Chapter 3
New Features

This section summarizes all new features that have been introduced successively.

 3.1 New Features of ABACUS 3.0
  3.1.1 Open Solver Interface
  3.1.2 Compilers
  3.1.3 Library creation by the user
  3.1.4 Documentation System
  3.1.5 Approximate solver
  3.1.6 Memory management
  3.1.7 Preprocessor Flags and Include Paths
 3.2 New Features of ABACUS 2.3
  3.2.1 Version macro
  3.2.2 New classes for separation
  3.2.3 Rank for constraints/variables
 3.3 New Features of ABACUS 2.2
  3.3.1 Lp-Solver Xpress
  3.3.2 Lp-Solver Cplex
  3.3.3 Lp-Methods
  3.3.4 New Compilers
  3.3.5 Library Architectures
  3.3.6 Library Creation by the User
  3.3.7 New or Changed Preprocessor Flags
  3.3.8 Templates
  3.3.9 New LP Master Classes
  3.3.10 HTML Documentation
  3.3.11 Parameter Handling
  3.3.12 Name changings
 3.4 New Features of ABACUS 2.1
  3.4.1 Elimination of Constraints and Variables
  3.4.2 Cplex 5.0
  3.4.3 Templates
  3.4.4 Bug Fixes
 3.5 New Features of ABACUS 2.0
  3.5.1 LP-Solver Soplex
  3.5.2 Naming Conventions
  3.5.3 Include File Path
  3.5.4 Advanced Control of the Tailing Off Effect
  3.5.5 Problem Specific Fathoming
  3.5.6 Problem Specific Branching
  3.5.7 Generalized Strong Branching
  3.5.8 Pool without Constraint Duplication
  3.5.9 Visual C++ Compiler
  3.5.10 Compiler Preprocessor Flag
  3.5.11 LP-Solver Preprocessor Flag
  3.5.12 Parameters of Configuration File
  3.5.13 New Functions
  3.5.14 Miscellaneous