6.39 ABA_SROWCON Class Reference

The member functions genRow() and slack() of the class ABA_ROWCON can be significantly improved if the variable set is static, i.e., no variables are added or removed during the optimization.

#include <srowcon.h>

Inheritance diagram for ABA_SROWCON::


Public Member Functions

6.39.1 Detailed Description

The member functions genRow() and slack() of the class ABA_ROWCON can be significantly improved if the variable set is static, i.e., no variables are added or removed during the optimization.

Definition at line 39 of file srowcon.h.

6.39.2 Constructor & Destructor Documentation ABA_SROWCON::ABA_SROWCON (ABA_MASTER * master, const ABA_SUB * sub, ABA_CSENSE::SENSE sense, int nnz, const ABA_ARRAY< int > & support, const ABA_ARRAY< double > & coeff, double rhs, bool dynamic, bool local, bool liftable)

The constructor.


A pointer to the corresponding master of the optimization.
A pointer to the subproblem associated with the constraint. This can be also the 0-pointer.
The sense of the constraint.
The number of nonzero elements of the constraint.
The array storing the variables with nonzero coefficients.
The nonzero coefficients of the variables stored in support.
The right hand side of the constraint.
If this argument is true, then the constraint can be removed from the active constraint set during the cutting plane phase of the subproblem optimization.
If this argument is true, then the constraint is considered to be only locally valid. As a locally valid constraint is associated with a subproblem, sub must not be 0 if local is true.
If this argument is true, then a lifting procedure must be available, i.e., that the coefficients of variables which have not been active at generation time of the constraint can be computed. ABA_SROWCON::ABA_SROWCON (ABA_MASTER * master, const ABA_SUB * sub, ABA_CSENSE::SENSE sense, int nnz, int * support, double * coeff, double rhs, bool dynamic, bool local, bool liftable)

This constructor is equivalent to the previous constructor except that it uses C-style arrays for support and coeff . virtual ABA_SROWCON::~ABA_SROWCON () [virtual]

The destructor.

6.39.3 Member Function Documentation virtual int ABA_SROWCON::genRow (ABA_ACTIVE< ABA_VARIABLE, ABA_CONSTRAINT > * var, ABA_ROW & row) [virtual]

Generates the row format of the constraint associated with the variable set var.

This function redefines a virtual function of the base class ABA_ROWCON.


It returns the number of nonzero elements in the row format.


The variable set for which the row format is generated is only a dummy since the the variable set is assumed to be fixed for this constraint class.
Holds the row format of the constraint after the execution of this function.

Reimplemented from ABA_CONSTRAINT. virtual double ABA_SROWCON::slack (ABA_ACTIVE< ABA_VARIABLE, ABA_CONSTRAINT > * variables, double * x) [virtual]

Computes the slack of a vector associated with the variable set variables.

This function redefines a virtual function of the base class ABA_ROWCON.


The slack of the vector x.


The variable set for which the row format is generated is only a dummy since the the variable set is assumed to be fixed for this constraint class.
An array of length equal to the number of variables.

Reimplemented from ABA_CONSTRAINT.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: