This class implements several functions for sorting arrays according to increasing keys.
#include <sorter.h>
Inheritance diagram for ABA_SORTER< ItemType, KeyType >::
Sorts the elements of an array of n items according to their keys.
Returns a number q ({{left <= q <= right)} and guarantees that all elements i with {key[i] <= key[q]}} are stored in the left part of the array, i.e., in items[left], , items[q], and all elements j with key[j] > key[q] are stored in the right part of the array, i.e., in items[q+1], …, items[right].
Resorts the elements if items and keys such that the heap property holds, i.e., keys[i] >= keys[2*i+1] and keys[i] >= keys[2*i+2].
Assumes that the heap property holds for the subtrees rooted at the sons of root and restores the heap property for the subtree rooted at root.
Is a debugging function and terminates the program with an error message if the elements of items are not sorted by increasing keys.
This class implements several functions for sorting arrays according to increasing keys.
Definition at line 46 of file sorter.h.
The constructor.
Sorts the elements of an array of n items according to their keys.
This function is very efficient for many practical applications. Yet, has a worst case running time of O(n2).
Sorts an partial array.
The function quickSort() uses the divide-and-conquer technique. First the function partition() puts the small elements to the left part and all big elements to the right part of the array being sorted. More precisely, it holds then, keys[i] <= keys[q] for all i in left, q and keys[q] < keys[i] for all i in q+1, right. Hence, it is sufficient to sort these two subarrays recursively.
Sorts an array of n items according to their keys.
In many practical applications this function is inferior to quickSort(), although it has the optimal worst case running time of O(nlog n).
The function heapSort() generates a heap. This guarantees that the largest element is stored in items[0]. So it is obvious that if we want to sort the items by increasing keys, this element will finally be stored in items[n-1]. Hence we swap the items and keys of 0 and n-1 and restore the heap property for the elements 0„ n-2. This can be done by heapify() since the subtree rooted at 1 and 2 are still heaps (the last element is not considered anymore). This process is iterated until the elements are sorted.
Returns a number q ({{left <= q <= right)} and guarantees that all elements i with {key[i] <= key[q]}} are stored in the left part of the array, i.e., in items[left], , items[q], and all elements j with key[j] > key[q] are stored in the right part of the array, i.e., in items[q+1], …, items[right].
First, we determine a pivot element k. The while loop stops by returning r as soon as the elements are partitioned in two subsets such all elements i in left <= i <= r have a smaller key than the elements i with r+1 <= right.
The do-loops stop as soon as a pair of elements is found violating the partition property. This pair of elements is the swapped together with their keys.
Resorts the elements if items and keys such that the heap property holds, i.e., keys[i] >= keys[2*i+1] and keys[i] >= keys[2*i+2].
The function heapify() is called for each node of the tree which is not necessarily a leaf. First nodes on higher level in the tree processed.
Assumes that the heap property holds for the subtrees rooted at the sons of root and restores the heap property for the subtree rooted at root.
The function heapify() checks if the heap property holds for root. This is not the case if the largest element of l, r, and root is not root. In this case the elements of root and largest are swapped and we iterate. Otherwise, the heap property is restored.
Is a debugging function and terminates the program with an error message if the elements of items are not sorted by increasing keys.
A pointer to the corresponding global object.
Definition at line 183 of file sorter.h.
An auxiliary variable for swapping items.
Definition at line 187 of file sorter.h.
An auxiliary variable for swapping keys.
Definition at line 191 of file sorter.h.
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